Friday, November 14, 2008

Back to Stralia

Our oldest daughter, Tara, and our only grandchild, Adelaide, are getting on a plane and heading back to Australia tomorrow.

We're going to miss them a lot, but it was great to have them here for a short time.

It's been fun to watch Adelaide grow and learn during the short time she has been back here. She loves for you to say words or phrases and she loves to repeat them. If she can't say it, she just laughs which is funny in itself.

From this, however, I am taught another lesson from a child.

We should never tire of learning. Understanding things is the key to mastering them.

If we were around another person that didn't speak English and asked them to say words and repeated them we would know more than just one language which is somewhat embarrasing.
If we had the same desire to learn as a child, or asked as many questions, is there any limit to what we can accomplish?
If we had the same work ethic as a Tiger Woods could we not be a lot better at golf than what we are?
If we had the same type of desire to cure cancer?......

My Momma told me there is no limit to what I could do. For some reason I did not believe her at the time.
Now, I do.

Is it too late?

Anyway, back to Stralia. Going to be sad, but at the same time I am glad they have the courage to see the world.

I look forward to the day we can see Stralia.

1 comment:

Alice said...

It's so good to read this and 'hear' you dreaming again. Hopefully all the bad things the past couple of years has only made you stronger...