Saturday, November 29, 2008

Things I've learned from dogs

Well, I basically learned one major thing. Love. Maybe I should have titled this, the thing I learned from dogs.
A dog is just going to love you no matter what, a true picture of unconditional love. No matter what kind of day you have had, you can count on your dog loving you. No matter how other people treat you, your dog is going to love you.
You can call your dog names or even mistreat them in other ways and the dog keeps coming back with love. Not that I have ever mistreated a dog.
Not only that, but a dog just wants to spend time with you. Quality time is what they like to call it now, but a dog is just happy being around you.
They love a good scratching. Hey, I love a good scratching. They love to be pampered and so do I.
A dog will beg for food, pretty much in line with what I would do. A dog, no matter what size, is probably going to be protective of their people.
A dog is always going to smile when he or she sees you. You can count on that.
A dog is also going to lick your face if they can.
Other than licking your face, I want to treat people as if I were a dog.
I've got that sitting thing down pretty well, and I can shake with the best of them. Rolling over isn't the easiest trick I can do, but I can give it a good shot for the right treat.
But, seriously, if you want to treat people the way they want to be treated probably need to look no further than a dog.


Alice said...

I was scratching Ms Tipper while reading that back leg reaction going quite nicely! Yup, they are so wonderful at loving us!

Brad Taylor said...

Nobody does it better than a doggie. :)
They are priceless.