Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tell Me All Your Thoughts On God

This is a very confusing song by Dishwalla, but one that really makes me think.
So, tell me, what are your thoughts on God? This is possibly the most controversial and discussed subject since the world began. Even people with similar thoughts can't really agree.

I'll tell you some of my thoughts. Sorry Amy.


I haven't been beaten up since the 7th grade. Probably could have been, but either nothing happened, or we got broken up pretty quickly, or I clocked the guy.
Not to bring street fighting into the discussion, but in a way I look at God as my gang leader. That is if I was actually in a gang, God would be the main man.
When things get hard, he comes in and takes control and saves the rest of the gang.

So, what happens when that doesn't happen?
You get the snot beaten out of you and left decimated. That's pretty much where I am now. It wasn't a street fight, it was life, but where was that protection when I needed it?
Where do I go from here? I survived life's mauling, but could have used that protection and begged for it. Maybe since I am still alive and kicking, I actually was protected and have learned and grown from it.
Could be.
I learned a lot more from getting whipped in the 7th grade than I did from whipping others later and I was determined to not let that happen again.
Maybe that's where faith comes in. Your protector sometimes lets you fight and when the enemy is about to kill you, then he steps in and breaks it up.


OK, this one is pretty hard to get around.

Evolution? Big Bang Theory?
Neither of those theories make any sense. There has to be a better explanation and after years of thinking on it, God is the only explanation that makes sense. But, even that has some holes in it for some. Dinosaurs? Age of the planet?
I offer no explanation and, hey, I asked for your thoughts on God and don't give me any lip on my own.
Somebody offer up a better explanation of how I, and the rest of you, got here and I am all ears.


I have never lacked and on this Thanksgiving Day I am very grateful for that.

Heaven or Hell.

If they exist, and I believe they do, I sure as hell don't want to go to Hell.
Texas is hot enough. Sheesh, can't imagine spending my eternity in someplace hotter than Texas.

In the song by Dishwalla, the singer is asking many questions like children often do.
Before life hits, children are innocent and full of questions.
That's what I long for. A time when I had nothing but hope, and I was innocent and full of questions. In my weak interpretation, the singer wants to know God and wants to know why we are here. He wants to know if he is far away. Typical kid things.

So, this song makes me think of being a little kid.
It makes me think of throwing rocks, watching birds fly, insects crawling, and locusts making their noises in trees. Just looking at the world in awe and wondering how in the world all this happened.
In my heart, I am still a child looking for reason behind all of this.

How did all of this happen?

1 comment:

Alice said...

Wow! This is an unending topic! Always good for a post!