Saturday, November 22, 2008


Wow! What can one say about this flick?
The words at the top of the picture pretty much sum it up for me. "Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free."

I didn't sleep for over a year, at least not without help.
Fear tends to keep you up nights. You see, I was a prisoner and I wasn't even behind bars.

Pardon my grammar, but I ain't afraid anymore and I sleep like a baby these days.

Hope has returned and along with hope comes freedom.

This awesome movie is full of incredible lines.

One of the best is 'get busy living, or get busy dying.'
Pretty much sums up life, that is if you want to actually have a life. Quit feeling sorry for yourself and get out there and do something.

Or, how about 'hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies'.
It's hard to improve on that. Hope can never die in us. We just can't let it.

Another line that I like is 'that's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you'.
Music, like hope, is in your heart. You can choose to have a song in your heart just as you can choose to have hope and be free.
No matter how tough things get, they can't take those things away from you unless you let them.

Shawshank Redemption has been voted one of the top movies of all time. Yet, it only broke even at the movie theatres. Not sure what that says about movie goers.

If I ever need something for a quick fix for my attitude, Shawshank's not a bad way to go. Just pop it in the DVD player and here comes a shot of hope.

Shawshank can't take away your fear. That you have to do on your own.
Another line from the movie was made by the main character's best friend, Red, and he said 'hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane'.
Yes, but only if that man is a prisoner of fear. It wasn't until later that Red was able to get busy living and put aside the dying.


Alice said...

Yup, that is most definitely one of my all time faves! I remain amazed that Stephen King is the author, since hope isn't usually his topic! ha!

firsts on a first said...

my favorite. a wonderful commentary and a great reminder of the importance of hope. 'i hope'