Thursday, November 20, 2008

Reflections of My Life II

As I blogged earlier, I love this song from the 60s. Although this song is not about going home, several lines in the song say 'take me back to my own home.'

Makes me think about home.

Now, where exactly is that?

My family spent some of my early years in the Rio Grande Valley. I never liked it down there all that much for a lot of reasons, but I have a lot of fond memories as well of those times.
We later moved to Central Texas.
I've also lived on the Gulf Coast, Irving, Abilene, Austin and now back to Abilene, but where exactly is my home?
If I were visiting another part of the world and somebody asked me where I was from, I would say Austin, Texas. But, even Austin does not feel like home. last weekend we were there and I felt like a visitor.

They say all kinds of things about the home, 'like home is where the heart is. Or, home is where you lay your hat'.
Robert Frost said, "Home is the place where, when you have to go there,They have to take you in."
Some other interesting quotes about home include:
Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms. ~William J. Bennett
Where thou art - that - is Home. ~Emily Dickinson

Home is a great thing and you don't have to be a homeless person to appreciate it. But, is where you live your home?
By my last count, I have moved seventeen times, so would I consider any of those dwellings my home?
Maybe I will move seventeen more times in my life and I am ok with that.
Do I really have to have a dwelling that I call home? Do I need a city to call home? Or, a region, or a state?

I'm not sure.

It's always been a fantasy of mine to be mega wealthy and own several homes in completely different parts of the world. I would spend equal time at each of them.
So, I don't consider myself tied to any one area or place.

This all goes back to my first blogs where I declared a yearning to be a free bird.

If a physical address or city is home for you, then I am happy for you.
But, I guess I can say that home for me is being with my California Girl no matter where we are or what we are doing.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Very nice ending...