Sunday, November 9, 2008


Freebird. Always in me has been a yearning for freedom as I am sure is true of most people. Sure, by most standards we are free in America but I mean a true freedom. A freedom of taxation, of responsibility, of work, of having to be at a certain place at a certain time with nobody other than my favorite lady friend telling me what to do.
Don't get me wrong. I don't like paying taxes, but gladly enjoy what this country provides for me. I am very responsible and take care of business. Work can be fun and I do it as often as I can.
But, all things being equal I'd rather just be free of those things.
I was almost there. Oh, it was so close.
Then, disaster, disaster, disaster.
Now, I am picking up the pieces and starting over. I'd like to think it's not my fault, that I was taken advantage of. But, when all is said and done I am taking full responsibility.
But, someday......
Someday I will know that true freedom I write about now. Sitting by a rocky seashore with not a worry in the world watching the waves crash upon the rocks. Just loving the sight of a good sized boat struggling to find it's way across the deep, alluring sea.
Or, sitting on the side of a mountain looking over a beautiful valley with not a thought other than just how incredibly beautiful it is.
Now, that is a freedom that keeps me going and hanging on in spite of disaster.
If there is breath still in my body, I will long for it.
These blogs will be about freedom. But, I plan on writing every day about music, movies, food, travel and maybe a few other things.
If you don't like going deep then expect not to enjoy. :)

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