Thursday, January 1, 2009

It was never mentioned

They never talked about it. It happened not long after the birth of their first son, but the event was never mentioned again.
She never brought it up and he never asked. Not only did she not bring it up, she didn't say a lot and that lasted a lifetime.

The event was traumatic to say the least. The men came, they took her off and then she came back. Nobody knows exactly what happened and he was afraid to ask.
He never knew her again but he never left. Talking was just life details, nothing more and nothing less.

The son grew up and he left, never to come back. What was he to come home too? What real home had he ever had?
He just thought it was normal to be in a home where nobody talked and nobody really knew each other. So, the trend continued.
I don't think he ever married. Maybe that was a good thing. Just let this family die because it really wasn't a family at all.

What a tragedy.

The evil in men's hearts ruined a lot of people's lives and the effects never go away. But, it didn't have to completely end lives.

This is not a true story. I dreamed this last night and had some free time since it's New Year's Day, so I thought I would write down my thoughts.

Just a dream, but how many times has this type of thing happened and it completely ruined lives. The effects are long term and reach into so many other's lives that it is just sickening. I have experienced it myself and the details of that I will not go into at this time. She never wanted that to happen and I never wanted to get awakened in the night. Those events changed everyone's life and even if I could go back and change things not sure I would now because certain events in my life never would have happened, I never would have known certain people and other people would never have been born.

What I learned the most from the Cali Girl and from the Aspen is to communicate. I still have light years to go, but I am willing to work on things.

To work on things, you have to begin by mentioning.


firsts on a first said...

yes. it's not about how what happens to people and how it changes them forever (for good or bad), but how a person turns bad into better and grows, overcomes in spite of things. that is when they inspire others and the world becomes a better place. that is what i hope to do with the tradgedy's i've experienced. i hope to let myself be better for it. i hope. you are a great and inspiring man. and your a completely diffrent person in the communication department for which i take no credit. you are a success story. how neat.

Alice said...

I have to say this may be my favorite post thus far! Keep it up!