Monday, January 26, 2009

Why I love Winter

I watch the weather channel every morning when I get up. It's become a habit and I know all the people on the weather channel by name by now.
I may be a little weird, but I am not stalking the weather channel people, I promise.

This week the weather channel is having a series called 'I love winter'.

They don't ask me but I want to tell them why I love winter, too.

I live in Texas.
It's freaking hot here, sometimes brutally so and I don't like heat. I'm not going to go into all the reasons I don't like heat but there are many.

In Texas, winters are mild. It can get cold at times, but most of the time it is rather warm. But, its not 100 degrees.
Biggest reason I love winter is it's not 100 degrees.

Weather is interesting in the winter time. Like I already wrote, it can be cold or it can be warm but there is a wide range of temps with a possibility of snow or other differing weather. In the summer, you have hot then you have hotter.
Three days ago here, it was 80 degrees, then the next day it was 38 for a high. Then, it was coldish again yesterday and today there is a possibility of rain with freezing rain possible tomorrow.
That's interesting to me. Summer sameness is boring.

You'll thank people like me when you go to Cancun, but fat people don't need to have their shirts off. I am a fat person, so I don't need to go to a beach and take my shirt off. So, I like clothes. A jacket is cool and I like long sleeved shirts. I can only wear those in the winter and thus, another reason I love winter.

Believe me the next time you are at the beach and there's a fat person walking around you'll wish more folks were like me.

Another thing that I love about winter is a fire in my fireplace. Nothing is quite as relaxing and comforting as a nice, blazing fire in your fireplace.

Lucky me, I now have a fireplace and I currently have a fire going because it's 30 degrees outside.

I love that about winter. Wish there were more cold nights in Texas.

People often think I am a nut, but I'd like to live up north. Or, at least somewhere that actually has a real winter. I love snow. I haven't had to shovel it so I haven't seen the negative side of it.
But, as I watch the weather channel every morning I look at what's happening in the regions of the USA that has interesting weather I long to be a part of it.
I don't have an interest in Florida or Texas or anywhere that is the same old same old day after day.

Maybe I am a freak, but I like colder than what Florida can give me. Hey, if you like it you can go down and live with those freaks. I'll pass.

However, as much as I like the northern climate, I am stuck in Texas and might as well make the best of it.

So, let's just say that I love winter because it's not freaking hot.
I'll at least take that for now.


Texasfaith said...

Hey Brad, I hear they actually pay people to live in Iceland, I am pretty sure it snows there. Thanks for keeping your shirt on and keep the post coming!

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