Friday, January 30, 2009


One of the great things about playing golf as a beginner is the word 'mulligan'.

If you have never played golf you would probably not know what the word mulligan means. A mulligan is just basically taking another shot when you mess one up.

Don't you just sometimes wish life was like golf? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to take another shot when you screw something up? Just line up and hit the ball again and hope for a better result because the last one was very bad.

Oh, if I could just take a mulligan right now. Actually, I need several mulligans.
If I could just go back and take a nay instead of a yeah with Maravilla Homes which was an extremely bad investment. If I could take a pass with a certain development in Fort Worth which I had a whole lot of money stolen. If I could take back some things I have said to the Cali Girl.
A big ole mulligan would be nice right about now.

It's not just the money that bothers me, even though honestly that is a big, fat nuisance. The big thing is the results from this just won't go away. The hits just keep coming and coming and they just won't stop.
Every time I turn around, some other negative result from the disasters which have overcome my life show up out of the blue. Just when you think the worst is behind you, something else comes up. Doesn't seem like this will go away until everything I have left is gone.

If life was golf, I would just take a mulligan and do everything over.
Unfortunately, it's not quite that simple and I am left to pick up the pieces. If only the pieces would stop getting knocked out of my hand every time I think I have them picked up already.


Gayla's Gab said...

Cast all your cares on God. Let him be your mulligan!! I love you Brad and you should not be so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful person. Something good will come from all of this I know!!

Amy said...

You know all of the mulligans I would want to take in life. But what would you tell me. You would say they happened for a reason and that I am going to be a stronger person down the road. Hey, I think you have said that. I am afraid if we gave you a mulligan on this stuff, you wouldn't be our Brad!