Thursday, January 8, 2009

Golf is life

Yes, I realize that golf is only a game but in some ways it is like life.

First of all, it takes a lot of work to get better at it. You can't just roll through life and expect good things to always happen, same with golf. You have to practice at it.

Sometimes when you are golfing you make a major screw up and end up in the sand trap or in the woods. Same with life.
You often screw things up regardless of how hard you try. It's how you react to the screw ups that make you a good person or a good golfer.
I am not a good golfer, and it's up in the air whether I am a good person in life but one thing I do know is that if you just hang in there and don't get flustered you can crawl out of that hole or bad spot you get into and come out ahead. Just look at Tiger Woods, he hits some bad shots, too, it's just that he doesn't get frustrated with them and comes back and hits a spectacular shot. A lot of it is mental, just like when bad things come our way if we can just not get frustrated we can come back strong.

Also, I have played some difficult courses. Today, I played an easy course and I loved it. Playing the hard courses in my early days of golfing made this easy course seem like a cake walk.
It's the same thing in life. Hard events can make you appreciate the good times.
Today, I shot a birdie and then hit 3 pars in a row. Please, if you are reading this and you are a good golfer, don't laugh at me. But, for me, that is an outstanding outing.

People often play golf to escape life, but there is no mistaking the similarities.

Yeah, I know that's only a few similarities but if I thought a few minutes I could easily come up with more so get off my butt. :)

1 comment:

Alice said...

I want to play the course in this picture! Wow!