Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last day of vacation

Day 6:
Last Day.

I haven't had internet in days and it's strange how spoiled I am these days.
I am sad in some ways that we are leaving, but on the other hand, there is a lot of beautiful country to drive through today before we get back to Spokane.
The western side of the park is very scenic.
As I wrote on my first day of my trip, Kalispell is a nice city and I would love to live here or nearby. It's got all the essentials of a spoiled boy like me.
We drove the scenic route on the trip back to the airport and it was well worth it.
There are numerous small ranches for sale on the way and my dreamer side is in full effect. Not gonna happen, but a fella can dream can't he?
As we drive further west, there are more of the traditional western tree, the Ponderosa Pine.
There are any number of incredibly scenic lakes along this drive. The Kootenai river dominates the landscape and has some falls along the way that are better than any we saw in Glacier National Park. Spell check is going to have a time with Kootenai. :)
Again, I can't get over the color of the water. It's clear but has a blue shade like I have rarely seen in my life.
Bonners Ferry, Idaho and Sandpoint, Idaho are along our route and again, places I would easily live.
On the down side of our trip back to Spokane was the sky. The sky turned more and more hazy as we drove south. It looked like Los Angeles.
From being so very clear and blue to smog like was a bit of a let down. But, it diminishes nothing from the trip of my life.
We thought we wanted to explore Spokane before we left, but we are tired of being in a car. It took roughly 7 hours to drive from Glacier to Spokane. Of course, there were many stops for eating, pictures, and other miscellaneous stops.
Sadly, we part with our cool convertible and catch a ride back to our hotel and our same old lives.
There was a restaurant right next door to the hotel named the Rusty Moose. If you are ever in Spokane, stop by, the food is great and we thoroughly enjoyed this last meal.
Overall, this was the trip of a life time for me. I hope for many more like this and better in my future, but this one was special in so many ways.
The planning and the heart used to surprise me with this was probably one of the best things anyone has ever done for me and I don't know if I can ever repay my life long roommate.

1 comment:

Alice said...

I bet you could figure out a way to 'bless her back'!!!! It will be a fun challenge, a game, to see who can out bless the other! I loved that you did all those surprises on your anniversary! Very cool!