Saturday, September 26, 2009

If you think Texting and Driving is Bad

Abilene has a balloon fest every year. It's not a big deal, just a few balloons usually numbering less than 20.

That's not many balloons compared to other fests they have around the country, but Abilene is a lot easier to spell than Alburrqu, uh Albukirke, uh Albuquerque, New Mexico.

I have heard they have as many as 2500 balloons out there and we'd love to go check it out some time.

However, for small town West Texas, 15 to 20 balloons is enough for a good time.

Any more balloons floating around out there and you'd have some issues more than likely.

We didn't make it to the park in time to see them lift off, but maybe the most fun part is chasing the balloons around town trying to get the best views and attempting to figure out where they will come down.
We picked a couple of favorites and followed them mostly.

There was a ReMax Realty balloon, but we can't stand those damn crooked realtors when they are on the ground much less airborne so we paid it no attention.

The balloons were only in the air for slightly more than an hour, but it was a fun hour and we'll do it again in the morning.
Tomorrow, we will try really hard to be on time and watch them take off.

Fun morning, but I have to say that texting and driving is not a good thing. However, balloon viewing and driving is much worse.

People have no concept that there are actually other humans out and about. We are also looking at the balloons but I really don't want to wreck our car.

People would just stop abruptly in the middle of the road viewing the skies. No warnings, no flashers, no blinkers, just randomly stopping.

Part of the challenge became not only viewing the best shots of balloons, but avoiding bad drivers.

Every town's residents think they have the worst drivers, but having taken a recent vacation I am reminded that people drive poorly everywhere.

But, watch out when there's a balloon fest going on.

Balloons are fun to watch and if there's ever one near where you live and you have a chance to go, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

Alice said...

Did you go up in one last year? I can't remember....I'm too skeered of heights! :)