Sunday, December 7, 2008

Mean People Suck and I'm going to rant

I didn't make up the line 'mean people suck' but I wish I had because they really do suck.

If you hate another person just because they have a different color of skin, then you suck. If you hate somebody just because that other person is of a different social standing than you, then you suck. On the other hand, if you hate a person just because they have more than you do, then you suck, too.

The California Girl and I not too long ago got back from watching Australia. Sometimes I get into my own little world and I forget what life can be like for others. Maybe things have changed a lot since people were treated so harshly, but I am sure some of it exists to this day.
This movie was very good, but a very grim reminder of just how mean people can be. The little boy star in this movie was half white and half aboriginal (I think that is the right word).
He never really felt a part of either race. Things worked out for the boy, but I have to wonder why people can be so mean to others at times.

I grew up in a town that was mostly Hispanic and the few white boys in my school pretty much hung out together and we didn't mix much. I remember one Hispanic kid that I was friends with early on.
I went to his house a couple of times and his mom made home made fresh tortillas. I didn't go there much and I don't remember this kid being around later on, but he was one of the first kids of a different race that I was friendly with.
We coexisted pretty well together in Weslaco, Texas but I do remember a few fights. Every time a fight broke out between a kid of the same race it was one on one. Any time a fight broke out between white kids and Hispanics it became a race war, unfortunately. There were no black kids in my class and my first experience with blacks didn't take place until I moved in the 8th grade. My first experiences with blacks did not go so well and I was picked on pretty frequently. Hey, I was one of the smallest kids in school.

Later on, in high school, I get really big and was left alone. At that point, I never wanted revenge for past treatment, I merely wanted to get along.

I never really understood any of it and I basically just wanted friends regardless of skin color.

Mean people suck.

That will never change.


Amy said...
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Amy said...

I am so glad you two went to see that.
The blind hate that was portrayed had me beside myself.
But even reading this blog gives me hope that the world has got to be getting better...somewhere, somehow.