Monday, December 8, 2008

Stuck in Lodi again.

Without a doubt, Creedence Clearwater Revival is my favorite band of all time. No doubt at all about that and it's probably not really all that close.

Lodi, according to what I heard John Fogerty say, is based on a true happening in his early career. A struggling musician is stuck in a small town and out of money and not much hope. In reality, Fogerty and CCR, got out of Lodi and made it big. Actually, they made it huge and had many hits. Fogerty himself had a few hits on his own later, but many consider them the greatest band of their day.
Fogerty says in the song that he is out of songs to play.

Right now, I am stuck in my own little Lodi. Only mine is called Abilene.
I am stuck, out of money, and I don't even own my truck.
But, like Fogerty, if anyone thinks I am really out of songs then they are sadly mistaken. Fogerty went from Lodi to greatness. Wonder if that is possible for me?

An event has happened recently that I have just been made aware of and I will seriously think about whether to write here or not in the future.

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