Thursday, December 18, 2008

Live for Today

As I blog and search for meaning in this life, I tend to find myself asking more questions about God. I've always had a lot of questions about the future and a lot of wonderment on how things will turn out not only for myself but for human kind.

Not that I am some kind of Nostradamus, but sometimes, it's hard for me to live for today when there is so much to do tomorrow. There is so much planning and thinking to get done, making it often hard to live life in the present.

A lot of my blogs are going to be about movies, songs or other things that are important to me on a daily basis and this one is getting to that as well.

The Grassroots were a popular rock and roll band from the late 60s and early 7os and one of my favorite songs of theirs was a hit called "Let's live for today". They weren't a band like Aerosmith or the Stones that were always together, but they went through a lot of different members and changes. But, they were pretty popular from about 1966 to 1975.

This song is kind of corny, but it's pretty obvious what the meaning is. Living for today and not worrying about the consequences or the future.

There's a couple of ways I can go about living for today. One thing that comes to mind is no cares about what happens to me tomorrow and to just do whatever I want. That pretty much goes against everything ingrained in me from who knows what or when.

But, somehow with that philosophy, you know deep down inside that everything is going to be all right so why not live a little.

Another way to think about living for today is that what you do today makes a difference in yours or somebody else's tomorrow. Today matters so much because you either have a chance to do something great or to set yourself up to do something great in the next few days, months or even years.

But, it's not all about me all the time as hard as that is to believe. By helping somebody in need today, I can enable them to get by another day or possibly make a difference later on in somebody else's life.

So, the song may be a little of a teeny bopper gig of yesteryear and may be corny, but I grew up loving this song and still love it to this day. I do like the thought of living for today when that can make a huge difference in the outcome of things. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, I can think about things I can do this day to help lives get better.

I'm not going to stop thinking about God or the future any time soon, but I can stop and take a breath and think about things I can do today and really live for the day. Put enough of those difference making days back to back and you have that future you always wanted.

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