Sunday, December 14, 2008

Man on Fire

Do you think God can forgive us for what we've done?

How hard core is that? Must have been one bad hombre to ask twice in the same movie if God can forgive him for what he's done.

Denzel Washington is one of the better actors out there. A guy like that can pick and choose his roles and I believe he has done well with his movie selections. I can't think of many bad movies he's been in.
Man on fire is pretty incredible to me. Sure, it's pretty violent and you don't see a lot of films where the good guy sticks a bomb up the butt of one of the bad guys but this one has a scene like that.
Lots of bad guys met their end in this flick.

The main character played by Denzel had turned to booze to help himself deal with the pain he felt in his heart for doing so many deeds that he even questioned whether God could forgive him. He was hired by a very shady father to be a bodyguard for his little girl.
The best thing about this movie, to me, is the relationship he developed with the little girl he was there to protect.

The little girl loved him almost instantly and he was not so open to that, but she won him over and changed his life.

That part of this movie reminds me of my own life. Even though I have never killed anybody or committed the deeds that the character in this movie had done I have been a bad one in my own right, but I am not going to talk about that.
Like the movie character, I was changed by little girls, my own little girls.

This movie does not have a traditional happy ending but it does end well in the lessons that it teaches.
Caring for another person whether that person is lovable or not can often change their lives.

I blogged about changing the world a few days ago and was told by one of those little girls that I had indeed changed the world because I had changed her life.
If we can help one person on their way we can change the world a little at a time and make this planet a better place to live.

And, that is my goal, to make this world a better place for being here than it would have been if I had never been born.

If that happens, then maybe God can forgive a hard case like me for the things that I have done, just as I am sure he could forgive the guy in this movie.


Alice said...

Great movie! Wonderful Blog! That movie moved me to the core and have seen it several times. Love can do amazing things!

Amy said...

Aww PB, I really like this blog. It is such a powerful movie!
And you are one of the good ones. I love and miss you this holiday season!