Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Willard Tate

I am a rather forgettable fella, or so it seems sometimes. Nobody ever remembers me. I'm not writing this to have anyone feel sorry for me, but I re-introduce myself to people all the time. I can think of a few people that I have introduced myself to more than a couple of times.
I remembered them after meeting them the first, second and third time but I nearly always remember everybody.
Usually, I remember a person's face, but their name is sometimes a different story. Names can be difficult to recall.

I made up my mind several years ago that if I had to introduce myself to a person over 3 times, then the fourth time I am telling them a fake name because they aren't going to remember anyway.

Remembering people is important.

The great ones always remember people even having not seen them in years.

I ran into some old friends not long ago. We talked about life and caught up on family and things in general and they informed me that Willard Tate was sick, very sick with cancer.
I don't know Willard all that well, but he was my preacher many years ago. He also was a college basketball coach and a darn good one.

Willard was a coach, a preacher, and a college professor. As a professor, he taught every single freshman that went through his school. It wasn't a huge school, but not all that small either and he taught a class that they all went through. A lot of people went through that class, including my daughter, Tara.

Knowing all those freshmen, all those church members, all those basketball players and everybody else he ever had contact with and Willard Tate never once forgot my name.

I always admired him for that. Not only did he remember my name, but he took the time to say something nice to me.

I am a better person for having known Willard Tate.

Yesterday, I saw him at the local hardware store. He did not look so good and he didn't see me when he came in and went about his business.
This hardware store is small and I know all the employees and have known them for years. So, I always take time to visit with my friends about world events, mostly sports. As I was visiting with my friend and employee of the hardware store, Willard happened to make his purchase and was leaving.
I was almost surprised, although I don't know why, when he looked at me and called me by name.
I was so touched by this that I had to quickly make my way out of the store so nobody could see the tears coming to my eyes.

When you meet people, study their faces, most particularly their eyes. Their eyes never really change.
Study them, try hard to remember their names and find out something about them. Believe me when I tell you it may mean a lot to somebody some day when you are able to remember them and to call them by name.

Even after everything that Willard Tate has been through lately, he remembered me and my name and it meant a great deal to me.
A great person is somebody that made this world a better place, and for me, Willard Tate made this world a better place.

I know he will never read this. But, thanks, Willard for making my little piece of the world better.

1 comment:

Alice said...

I think you ought to modify this and send it to the school's newspaper!!!