Sunday, March 8, 2009

Last of the Mohicans

Normally the book is better than the movie. Not so in this case. I read the book years ago and found it less than what I had hoped.
The movie, on the other hand, is far better than I had hoped.

The scenery, shot in North Carolina, is incredible.

What's sad about this tale, whether book or movie, is what is forgotten.

People from Europe came here in the 1600s and changed the North American continent.

I have always been fascinated with history, but particularly in the people that were here when the Europeans first came.
I'd love to know more about these people and their history.
Unfortunately, not much is known. They kept no written history and little remains of their existence.

A movie, or a book, like The Last of the Mohicans makes me very curious about the history of this country before the Europeans came.

It also makes me very sad because this country was changed forever.
A way of life was gone and people were mistreated badly.

Irregardless, The Last of the Mohicans is an excellent movie if for no other reason than the incredible scenery.

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