Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Get Up Champ!

Probably nobody remembers the movie called Champ from years ago and it didn't exactly win any Oscar's. But, it was a pretty touching flick.

Jon Voight played an over the hill boxer and Ricky Schroeder played his son of about 7 years of age. Jon Voight's character is a single father and is pretty close to his son.

Honestly, I don't really remember that much about the movie except the ending.

The Voight character takes a fight and is beaten, in fact he is killed in the ring. They have him laying on a table and the young son is screaming at him, 'get up champ' over and over again. Pretty touching.

Jon Voight wasn't a champ in this movie but a washed up has been, or even a never was. But, to his son, he was champ.

The same is true for all of us in this life. We are a champ to somebody and somebody wants us to get up and continue the fight.
Sometimes it feels easier to just lay there, but we need to get up and continue the fight.


This has nothing to do with those lame Morningstar guys that used the word champ waaaaayyyy to often.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


OK, I have to tell you I am a little biased.
The girl in the picture above is the cutest and the sweetest girl I have ever seen. I just think she may be the best girl in the history of mankind.
But, as I said, I am a little biased.
She is my granddaughter and is coming back to the states very soon.
I have held my tongue long enough and I wanted the parents of this sweet, sweet girl to do as they wished. But, I am really, really glad this darling of a girl will be coming back where her grandparents can see her a lot more.
She is learning to say words and sentences and even to swim and I want to be around to see at least a whole bunch of it.
What a great day for her grandparents when we get to see her again. I have never punched her grandmother, but may throw down on her if she gets in my way when the girl is in sight.
On the other hand, as a big fan of defense, I plan on keeping my guard up when her grandmother lays eyes on her as well.
Can't wait to see her.


No song symbolizes my high school days more than Slow Ride by Foghat.

I don't really know what the song means so much, but nearly every car that drove up in those days had Slow Ride playing in the 8 track player.
The movie about high school in Texas in the 70s called Dazed and Confused actually played the song near the end. Classic.

Speaking of Dazed and Confused, when I watched this movie the first time I laughed pretty much the entire way through. The reason I laughed was not because the movie is a comedy but because I knew people like most of the characters and I lived through most of the experiences. I can't say looking back that those were great times, but those time were life. I wouldn't recommend doing anything in that movie, but no movie I have seen is more like what really happened than Dazed and Confused.
I don't think we had as much weed as those guys did, but it was a strong presence at any party you were lucky enough to attend and everyone was doing it.
That includes people like former president Bill Clinton and the preps.

I admit that I didn't participate much in that.

But, that will be our little secret.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Rally Cap

My new favorite advertisement on the tube talks about America needing to rally from behind and put on our rally caps.
It's long been a tradition in baseball to turn your cap inside out and come from behind and the ad hits it right on the head.
I'm not sure the ad really works because I don't really remember what they are selling.

But, it works on my attitude.

I am ready to put on my rally cap and begin my come back.

I still have to wait a little while, but a rally is coming.

Take my word on that, suckas.