Sunday, August 30, 2009

Life is like a pot luck dinner.

I never really liked going to pot luck dinners, only because the settings of all the ones I have been to have been pretty awkward.

A bunch of people plan these things out and everybody brings at least one dish. There will be meats, veggies and fruit, plus a bunch of desserts.
You can always count on somebody bringing fried chicken. It almost never fails.

The food is usually good, but it's usually a church setting or a funeral and I don't particularly like either environment.

A human life is much like a pot luck dinner.
Everybody brings something to the table in whatever setting you are in. Whether it's a family, or the work place, a sports team, or whatever place you may be you bring your own thing to the table.

Take my own family for example.

Just as a pot luck is supposed to be a balanced meal, each family member brings something to balance things out.
Lynette is stable. She is objective and looks at all sides of the picture. Instead of flying off the handle she takes a look at all sides and makes a decision.
She is a provider and a nurturing soul. She takes care of all members of the family.

Tara is an encourager. She cares about people. She brings a lot of love and builds up those around her.

Aspen is the relationship builder. She is the one that wants to bring everyone together and she wants to help take care of everything and everyone.

Tyler is the smart one. He is creative and funny and he does bring the humor to the group setting. He is also the dreamer.

They each bring something to the table and without everyone there is something missing. When Aspen is gone, it is like somebody forgot the fruit salad or the beans.
If Tara is gone, then somebody forgot the fried chicken. We each bring something that balances the family out.
Throw in the other family members like Amy, and you have the extra dessert that somebody was thoughtful enough to bring in at the last minute.

When the family is together, everybody should get all the vitamins and minerals with the balanced diet.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Aww, I am the last minute sweets. Can't beat that!