Sunday, February 15, 2009


Men at Work was a pretty big rock group back in the early 80s. They were from Australia and had a few international hits which turned out pretty big for them.

Probably the biggest hit was Down Under, but Who Can it Be Now was a close second and reached #1 in the USA.

But, my favorite was Overkill.

What they are saying in this song is that they lay down at night and worry about situations. In this song, the overkill is due to the fact that the situations they worry about never happen.

If only that were true in my own life. Seems like it used to be. These ghosts (situations) would appear at night and everything would turn out fine.
Hasn't been that way lately.
I can't really write about the things that have happened in my life lately, but some day I might.

As for now, the ghosts will continue to visit.

But, they can keep on keeping on because I am done with it.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Get out the funk

Sometimes life is a mess.
My life is presently a disaster.

I am in a funk.

But, I don't want to stay in this place the rest of my life.

Today, I was challenged to come up with a plan to come out of a funk.

Before my train called life was derailed, I had hopes and dreams. One of the steps of my plan would probably be to restore those hopes and dreams. Maybe before my goals were set too high. I plan on setting new goals that are actually attainable.
When I went into real estate I joined a huge company down in Austin. The hype in that place was unreal. It was kind of like a permanent pep rally. Goals were a big deal and I was taught to set goals for number of deals closed monthly.
Sorry, but that's baloney. Setting yourself up for failure is all you are doing in that scenario. All you can really do is set yourself up to close so many deals per month, the rest is out of your control.

Setting attainable goals is one of my steps.

Travelling is another step.

Much like setting goals, travelling gives you something to look forward to and then it gives you fantastic memories.

Speaking of memories, when my Dad was dying we were all sitting around reflecting on good times. We spoke of this and that and after an embarrassingly short time we realized that we had run out of good memories. How sad.
Creating adventures and hopefully good memories is vital.

Another thing I plan to add to my list of steps, is exercise. I work hard these days physically but it's not really exercise. If I can at least gets some walking in I would probably feel a lot better about my future

I have a few more ideas I am toying with but the big thing is I have a plan and it's been awhile for me. I want to blog more, maybe read a few more books and watch a few more movies but things that can make me look beyond myself at times.